#side StatSpawn #Author mcmadhatter ;Bits have been borrowed from the tutorials for this team ; one mobile unit , 2 stationary #seed 1 1 2 2 1 2 Channel 2 Contains targets sighted by scouts #code #const radio-enemy-sighting 2 #const call-ch 2 #type Spawner #color FF00AA #hardware processor 10 constructor 0.8 energy 90 10 solar-cells .25 engine .1 eater 2 armor 350 food-sensor 12 engine 0.05 #code #vector dest #vector tempdest #vector home new-dest: 0 world-width random 0 world-height random dest! return move: engine-max-power engine-power! dest seek-location position dest 3 in-range new-dest& ifc return #start new-dest do 80 periodic-food-sensor nif move^ then 80 periodic-food-sensor drop food-found if food-position seek-location else 0 engine-power! then constructor-type nif 0.7 random-bool if 0.6 random-bool if 3 constructor-type! else 2 constructor-type! then else 1 constructor-type! then then 1 type-population nif 1 constructor-type! then 20 energy < if constructor-max-rate constructor-rate! else 0 constructor-rate! then forever #type Sentry #color DD1100 #hardware solar-cells .3 constructor .25 armor 100 processor 5 energy 30 0 grenades 20 14 20 blaster 10 14 20 robot-sensor 14 #code do blaster-reload-time periodic-robot-sensor if robot-found if 0 constructor-rate! robot-position robot-velocity lead-blaster robot-position robot-velocity lead-grenade sync sync sync sync sync sync sync sync then then autoconstruct forever #type Trap #color BBBB00 #hardware energy 30 0 bomb 800 processor 2 grenades 20 20 40 robot-sensor 20 solar-cells .1 armor 100 #code do grenades-reload-time periodic-robot-sensor if robot-found if robot-position robot-velocity lead-grenade then then forever #end