#side lunatic #author Devon #date 6 Feb 2002 #color fff #type lunatic Runs in circles and strafes. Harmless, but the circular motion makes it surprisingly hard to kill. Has been known to actually win rounds! (Movement has become much more expensive since, so it will no longer be so effective.) Based on the very first hardcoded brain. :) (20020409) Updated for engine-velocity! #color ff0 #hardware processor 10 engine .1 ;HUGE engine armor 200 repair-rate .1 solar-cells .4 constructor .25 energy 100 10 blaster 0.1 8 3 #code #var dir #var increment random-angle dir! 0.15 0.3 random 0 1 random-int -1 1 ifev * increment! engine-max-power engine-power! do dir increment + dir! 1 dir polar-to-rect engine-velocity! energy 50 > if 1 constructor-type! constructor-max-rate constructor-rate! max-repair-rate repair-rate! else 0 constructor-rate! 0 repair-rate! then energy 90 > if dir fire-blaster then forever #end