#side Ants 4 #color 700 #author Warren #date started 12/1/02 #seed 1 2 3 3 2 3 2 Shielded workers collect manna, and deliver the energy to queens, which have constructors. Force-field grenades users defend. ToDo: -autotrophy when manna is scarce -construct intelligently -home shouldn't move outside the boundaries of the world! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; QUEEN ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #type Queen Type nubmer 1. #color f00 #hardware processor 15 armor 250 engine 0.05 radio send receive solar-cells 0.3 energy 700 0 constructor 1.15 robot-sensor 7 5 #code ;;;;;;;;;;;; Only modify Queen's header (this one) ;;;; ;;;;;;;; begin all-type header ;;;;;;;;;;; #const feed-me-channel 1 #const home-channel 2 #const talk-interval 150 #var last-talk-time -1000 #vector home #const QUEEN_TYPE 1 #const RAT_TYPE 2 #const GUNNER_TYPE 3 #const LEAF_TYPE 4 #const NUM_TYPES 4 #const COLONY_SEPARATION 30 random-location: 0 world-width random 0 world-height random return communicate: do home-channel receive while 2dup position dist COLONY_SEPARATION < if ;only consider nearby 'bots 0.2 vs* home 0.8 vs* v+ home! else 2drop then loop time last-talk-time talk-interval + < ifr time -5 5 random + last-talk-time! ;add small random so they get desynced specific-send^ return ;;;;;;;; end all-type header specific-send: home 2 home-channel send energy 500 > nif position max-energy energy - time 4 feed-me-channel send then return construct: constructor-type nif 0 max-energy random energy < if QUEEN_TYPE else RAT_TYPE LEAF_TYPE random-int then constructor-type! then energy 100 > constructor-max-rate 0 ifev constructor-rate! return #vector my-place move: robot-sensor-time time 30 - < if 0 robot-sensor-focus-distance! fire-robot-sensor sync my-place 0.77 vs* home 0.03 vs* position 0.2 vs* v+ v+ ;stack: x y robot-found if do robot-side side = if robot-type QUEEN_TYPE = and-if ;run away robot-position position v- unitize -1 robot-position position dist / vs* v+ then next-robot while-loop then ;robot-found ;stack: better position my-place! then ;sense my-place seek-location return #start position home! position epsilon + my-place! 1 robot-sensor-sees-friends! do construct^ communicate^ move^ forever ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WORKER (aka rat) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #type Worker Shielded food gatherers. Usually gives energy to queens. If food gathering brought us far away, or no queens are found, start a new colony. #color ecc #hardware processor 10 engine 0.045 radio receive send constructor 0.3 armor 100 repair-rate 0.15 shield 0.55 energy 500 50 Eater 1.9 food-sensor 10 1 friendly-syphon 2.5 robot-sensor 7 5 shot-sensor 8 #code ;;;;;;;; begin all-type header ;;;;;;;;;;; #const feed-me-channel 1 #const home-channel 2 #const talk-interval 150 #var last-talk-time -1000 #vector home #const QUEEN_TYPE 1 #const RAT_TYPE 2 #const GUNNER_TYPE 3 #const COLONY_SEPARATION 30 random-location: 0 world-width random 0 world-height random return communicate: do home-channel receive while 2dup position dist COLONY_SEPARATION < if ;only consider nearby 'bots 0.2 vs* home 0.8 vs* v+ home! else 2drop then loop time last-talk-time talk-interval + < ifr time -5 5 random + last-talk-time! ;add small random so they get desynced specific-send^ return ;;;;;;;; end all-type header #var last-armor 50 specific-send: armor last-armor < if world-size 0.5 vs* ;center 0.05 vs* position home v- unitize -20 vs* home v+ 0.95 vs* v+ home! home 2 home-channel send then armor last-armor! return ;should be spelled "sink" #var energy-sync-available #vector energy-sync-position #var energy-sync-capacity #var energy-sync-time #var hyp-es-time ;hypothetical energy-sync time #var hyp-es-capacity #vector hyp-es-position get-energy-sync: ; -> feed-me-channel messages QUEEN_TYPE type-population GUNNER_TYPE type-population + - 0 max feed-me-channel skip-messages energy-sync-available nif -1000 -1000 energy-sync-position! 0 energy-sync-capacity! then do feed-me-channel receive while ;now on stack: x y energy time hyp-es-time! hyp-es-capacity! hyp-es-position! time hyp-es-time - 500 < if hyp-es-capacity hyp-es-position position dist 15 * - energy-sync-capacity energy-sync-position position dist 15 * - > if hyp-es-time energy-sync-time! hyp-es-capacity energy-sync-capacity! hyp-es-position energy-sync-position! 1 energy-sync-available! then then loop return defend: ;halving power: 0.01*mass ;overhead: 0.002*mass energy 100 > max-repair-rate 0 ifev repair-rate! energy 75 > if time shot-sensor-time 10 + > if fire-shot-sensor sync then last-armor 0.8 * max-armor 0.2 * + armor 2 + > shot-found or and-if max-shield shield! else shield 0.05 < if 0 else shield energy armor 3 * > 0.01 0.05 ifev - then shield! then ;raise shields return #var wandering Full: ;full of energy; what to do? position home dist COLONY_SEPARATION > shield not and armor max-armor 5 - > and Begin-reproducing& ifg Begin-attempt-emptying& jump #start position home! 0 energy-sync-available! 1 robot-sensor-sees-friends! Begin-foraging: 0 friendly-syphon-rate! 0 wandering! forage-loop: defend^ communicate^ time food-sensor-time 30 + > if fire-food-sensor sync food-found if ; then ;food-found then ;fire food-sense food-found if food-position seek-location 0 wandering! else wandering not wall-collision or if 1 wandering! random-location^ seek-location then then max-energy energy - 50 < Full& Forage-loop& ifeg Begin-attempt-emptying: 0 energy-sync-available! 0 friendly-syphon-rate! attempt-emptying-loop: QUEEN_TYPE type-population Begin-reproducing& nifg defend^ communicate^ get-energy-sync^ energy-sync-available Begin-emptying& ifg home position dist 15 > if home seek-location else 0 engine-power! then energy 300 < Begin-foraging& attempt-Emptying-loop& ifeg Begin-emptying: ;on stack: Empty-loop: defend^ communicate^ energy-sync-position position dist robot-sensor-range < if robot-sensor-time time 30 - < and-if energy-sync-position position v- rect-to-polar robot-sensor-focus-direction! robot-sensor-focus-distance! fire-robot-sensor sync robot-found if loop1: robot-side side = if robot-type RAT_TYPE <> and-if robot-position energy-sync-position! done1& jump then next-robot loop1& ifg done1: else Begin-attempt-emptying& jump then ;robot-found then ;fire robot sensor energy-sync-position position dist 2 < if 0 engine-power! energy-sync-position position v- rect-to-polar friendly-syphon-direction! radius - epsilon max friendly-syphon-distance! friendly-syphon-max-rate negate friendly-syphon-rate! sync friendly-syphoned friendly-syphon-max-rate negate = nif Begin-attempt-emptying& jump then else 0 friendly-syphon-rate! energy-sync-position seek-location then ;in range energy 125 < Begin-foraging& Empty-loop& ifeg Begin-reproducing: QUEEN_TYPE constructor-type! do energy 25 - 100 / 0 max constructor-max-rate min constructor-rate! defend^ communicate^ time food-sensor-time 50 + > if energy 100 - constructor-remaining < and-if fire-food-sensor sync then ;fire food-sense food-found if food-position seek-location then constructor-type nif position home! Begin-foraging^ jump then forever ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Gunner #type Anti-Missile Copied from Poison Ivy 4. I'm free to plagiarize my own robots. :) (Devon 20030206) Adapted to new, better forcefields. Reduced power. #color fff #hardware energy 250 0 armor 200 processor 15 radio receive send solar-cells 0.12 robot-sensor 16 force-field 0.2 15 grenades 40 16 25 repair-rate 0.05 #code ;;;;;;;; begin all-type header ;;;;;;;;;;; #const feed-me-channel 1 #const home-channel 2 #const talk-interval 150 #var last-talk-time -1000 #vector home #const QUEEN_TYPE 1 #const RAT_TYPE 2 #const GUNNER_TYPE 3 #const COLONY_SEPARATION 30 random-location: 0 world-width random 0 world-height random return communicate: do home-channel receive while 2dup position dist COLONY_SEPARATION < if ;only consider nearby 'bots 0.2 vs* home 0.8 vs* v+ home! else 2drop then loop time last-talk-time talk-interval + < ifr time -5 5 random + last-talk-time! ;add small random so they get desynced specific-send^ return ;;;;;;;; end all-type header specific-send: home 2 home-channel send position max-energy energy - 5 * ; being low on energy bad time 4 feed-me-channel send return #var incoming 0 #start position home! do communicate^ time robot-sensor-time grenades-reload-time + > if energy 20 > and-if 0 incoming! fire-robot-sensor sync robot-found if robot-velocity robot-position position v- dot robot-distance / ;stack: radial component of velocity -0.01 < if 1 incoming! then robot-velocity robot-distance grenades-speed / vs* robot-position v+ position v- rect-to-polar fire-grenade then then incoming energy 150 > and if robot-position position v- robot-velocity time robot-sensor-time - vs* v+ rect-to-polar dup force-field-direction! force-field-angle! ;stack: distance time robot-sensor-time - square 0.0015 * + dup ;dist dist force-field-range < if force-field-distance! force-field-max-power force-field-power! else 0 force-field-power! drop then else 0 force-field-power! then energy 75 > max-repair-rate * repair-rate! forever #type Leaf #color 0f0 #hardware processor 3 armor 100 solar-cells 0.4 energy 20 0 constructor 0.4 #code #const LEAF_TYPE 4 #const NUM_TYPES 4 do constructor-max-rate constructor-rate! constructor-type nif 1 NUM_TYPES random-int constructor-type! then forever #end