#side Sunflower This side is an autotroph that siphon energy to one central constructor. It has two glaring weaknesses right now. It has no defense against teledont. If the builder/sensor/brain dies it is helpless. #author Matt Burkholder #date 9 June 2002 #color dc2 #seed 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 #type Stamen #color f00 #hardware processor 15 constructor 3.5 energy 1000 0 solar-cells 0.75 robot-sensor 20 shot-sensor 6 armor 200 repair-rate 0.05 radio write #code #const robot-sensor-delay 5 #const shot-sensor-delay 20 #var destx 0 #var desty 0 #var targetx 50 #var targety 50 #var targetDirection 0 #var robot-sensor-now 0 #var shot-sensor-now 0 #var two-scan do position 2 write 1 write energy 280 / constructor-rate! armor max-armor < max-repair-rate 0 ifev repair-rate! 2 constructor-type! armor max-armor < energy 20 > and max-repair-rate 0 ifev repair-rate! time shot-sensor-now > if shot-found two-scan! fire-shot-sensor time shot-sensor-delay + shot-sensor-now! sync then shot-found two-scan robot-found or or time robot-sensor-now > and if fire-robot-sensor time robot-sensor-delay + robot-sensor-now! sync robot-found if robot-position robot-velocity robot-distance 0.4 / vs* v+ 4 write 3 write else 0 0 3 write 4 write then then forever #type Pistel #color 330 #hardware processor 10 energy 300 0 solar-cells 0.2 armor 200 repair-rate 0.05 friendly-syphon 0.6 grenades 3 15 2 engine 0.035 eater 0.1 radio read #code #var flower-dist friendly-syphon-range pi 2 / + flower-dist! id 7 > if friendly-syphon-range 2 * pi 2 / + flower-dist! then id 19 > if friendly-syphon-range 3 * pi 2 / + flower-dist! then engine-max-power engine-power! friendly-syphon-range friendly-syphon-distance! do 0.1 1 read 2 read position v- 2dup angle friendly-syphon-direction! norm flower-dist - 0 min ;dup -1.5 < 0 engine-max-power engine-power! friendly-syphon-direction + polar-to-rect engine-velocity! armor max-armor < max-repair-rate 0 ifev repair-rate! energy 290 > if friendly-syphon-max-rate negate friendly-syphon-rate! else energy grenades-firing-cost < if friendly-syphon-max-rate friendly-syphon-rate! else 0 friendly-syphon-rate! then then 3 read if 3 read 4 read position v- 2dup norm grenades-range < if rect-to-polar fire-grenade else 2drop then then forever #end