#side Sucker #author Devon #color fb0 Syphons at very long range. This was a demo side to show the need for a way to trace syphons back to their origins. But it works anyway by starving enemies. #type drain #color 099 #hardware energy 100 0 solar-cells .05 syphon .4 19 robot-sensor 23 10 constructor .4 engine .03 processor 12 armor 100 #code #var syphoning do time robot-sensor-time 23 + >= if fire-robot-sensor sync do robot-energy 2 > if 1 syphoning! ok& jump then next-robot while-loop 0 syphoning! ok: then syphoning if robot-velocity time robot-sensor-time - 3 + vs* robot-position v+ position v- rect-to-polar syphon-direction! radius - syphon-distance! syphon-max-rate syphon-rate! else 0 syphon-rate! then robot-found if position robot-position v- unitize syphon-range vs* robot-position v+ robot-velocity seek-moving-location else 0 engine-power! then energy 80 constructor-remaining min > if constructor-type nif 1 constructor-type! then constructor-max-rate constructor-rate! else 0 constructor-rate! then forever #end