#side Segregated Eaters #author Matt Burkholder #date 30 Aug 2004 9-5-2005 Made three updates. None of them are remarkable except that a champion calaber side didn't have them before. The gatherers now run away from ememy sides. Picture that, skittish gatherers. They do only run from types that they consider dangerous. The robot sensor also allows them to report emeny positions to the fighters. This makes the side as a whole more agressive. The fighters keep moving around when they are full on energy, but this change is largely moot. The fighters now passively dodge to make themselves harder to kill. This adds a couple points to the side's score. #color 222 #seed 1 2 1 1 2 #code #const edge-space 10 #const Address-Offset 100 #const Construct-Offset 200 #const Tag-Offset 500 #const time-offset 100 #const empty-offset 500 #const num-types 2 #var chirp-now #var Home-Address #var Tag-Address #var Preferred-Address #var World-Cols #var World-Rows #var Reach-Loop #var Width-Loop #var Search-Loop #var food-sensor-now #var robot-sensor-now #vector Home #vector Center #vector Dest #vector X-Step #vector Y-Step Address-to-Location: dup 10 mod 10 * swap 10 / floor 10 * 5 5 v+ return Location-to-Address: dup 10 mod - swap 10 / floor + return Search-Home: Home Check-Address^ 0 0 engine-velocity! 1 Reach-Loop! do Reach-Loop 10 < while Home X-Step Reach-Loop vs* v+ Check-Address^ Home Y-Step Reach-Loop vs* v+ Check-Address^ Home X-Step Reach-Loop vs* v- Check-Address^ Home Y-Step Reach-Loop vs* v- Check-Address^ 1 Width-Loop! do Width-Loop Reach-Loop < while Home X-Step Reach-Loop vs* v+ Y-Step Width-Loop vs* v+ Check-Address^ Home Y-Step Reach-Loop vs* v+ X-Step Width-Loop vs* v+ Check-Address^ Home X-Step Reach-Loop vs* v+ Y-Step Width-Loop vs* v- Check-Address^ Home Y-Step Reach-Loop vs* v+ X-Step Width-Loop vs* v- Check-Address^ Home X-Step Reach-Loop vs* v- Y-Step Width-Loop vs* v+ Check-Address^ Home Y-Step Reach-Loop vs* v- X-Step Width-Loop vs* v+ Check-Address^ Home X-Step Reach-Loop vs* v- Y-Step Width-Loop vs* v- Check-Address^ Home Y-Step Reach-Loop vs* v- X-Step Width-Loop vs* v- Check-Address^ Width-Loop 1 + Width-Loop! loop Home X-Step Y-Step v+ Reach-Loop vs* v+ Check-Address^ Home X-Step Y-Step v- Reach-Loop vs* v+ Check-Address^ Home Y-Step X-Step v- Reach-Loop vs* v+ Check-Address^ Home Y-Step X-Step v+ Reach-Loop vs* v- Check-Address^ Reach-Loop 1 + Reach-Loop! loop return Directional-Search: -5 Reach-Loop! do Reach-Loop robot-direction polar-to-rect position v+ Location-to-Address^ Address-to-Location^ Check-Address^ Reach-Loop robot-direction pi 6 / + polar-to-rect position v+ Location-to-Address^ Address-to-Location^ Check-Address^ Reach-Loop robot-direction pi 6 / - polar-to-rect position v+ Location-to-Address^ Address-to-Location^ Check-Address^ Reach-Loop 7.5 - Reach-Loop! Reach-Loop 50 < while-loop Search-Home return Check-Address: 2dup 2dup min 0 < rrot World-Height > swap World-Width > or or if 2drop return then Location-to-Address^ dup Address-OffSet + sync read time < if dup dup Address-OffSet + ;three copies on stack two raw and one address time time-offset + type 10 / + swap write ;store address and write claim Home-Address! Address-to-Location^ Home! ;set coordinates of home Constructor-Type Home-Address Construct-Offset + write rdrop ;drop the top item on the return stack (call to this function), so loop will terminate else drop then return Chirp: time chirp-now < ifr time 50 + chirp-now! time time-offset + type 10 / + Home-Address Address-Offset + write return Scan-Food: eaten position dest radius in-range not or ifr fire-food-sensor sync 0 food-sensor-now! food-found if do food-position Location-to-Address^ dup Home-Address = if food-sensor-now nif food-position dest! 1 food-sensor-now! then drop else Address-Offset + dup read is-integer if 0 swap write else drop then then next-food while-loop then food-sensor-now ifr home dest dist if home dest! else time empty-offset + Home-Address Address-Offset + write Search-Home^ Home Dest! then return Init: World-Width 2 / World-Height 2 / 2dup Center! Position rot > 10 -10 ifev 0 swap Y-Step! < 10 -10 ifev 0 X-Step! World-Width 10 / 1 - World-Cols! World-Height 10 / 1 - World-Rows! do time id 5 * < while-loop return Tag: robot-side 10 * robot-type - Tag-Offset + Tag-Address! Tag-Address read dup if robot-reloading robot-bomb or -1 robot-mass ifev min Tag-Address write else drop robot-reloading robot-bomb or -1 robot-mass ifev Tag-Address write then return Robot-Armed: robot-side 10 * robot-type - Tag-Offset + Tag-Address! Tag-Address read -1 = return #type Builder #color 0F0 #hardware processor 20 10 solar-cells .01 eater 1.75 energy 300 50 armor 125 ;test change from 150 food-sensor 7 3 robot-sensor 8 3 repair-rate 0.065 constructor 0.9 engine 0.075 radio send receive read write #code #const Target-Channel 2 Init^ position Location-to-Address^ Home-Address! Home-Address Address-to-Location^ Home! Search-Home^ Home Dest! do dest seek-location Scan-Food^ Construct^ Chirp^ Scan-Robots^ forever Scan-Robots: 30 periodic-robot-sensor if robot-found if do Tag^ robot-position 2 Target-Channel send Robot-Armed Evacuate& ifg next-robot while-loop then then return Evacuate: position 2dup Robot-Position v- v+ Dest! Dest seek-location Directional-Search^ Home Dest! return Construct: energy 50 > constructor-max-rate 0 ifev constructor-rate! energy 25 > armor max-armor < and max-repair-rate 0 ifev repair-rate! eaten nifr constructor-type nif 0 constructor-rate! 0 engine-power! num-types Reach-Loop! Do Reach-Loop type-population Reach-Loop store Reach-Loop 1 - dup Reach-Loop! While-loop World-Cols Reach-Loop! Do World-Rows Width-Loop! Do Reach-Loop 10 * Width-Loop + Dup Address-Offset + read time > if Construct-Offset + read dup dup if load 1 + swap store else 2drop then else drop then Width-Loop dup 1 - Width-Loop! While-loop Chirp^ energy 25 > armor max-armor < and max-repair-rate 0 ifev repair-rate! Reach-Loop dup 1 - Reach-Loop! While-loop 2 load 1 load 1 * < if 2 constructor-type! sync else 1 constructor-type! sync then constructor-type Home-Address Construct-Offset + write then return #type fighter #color F00 #hardware processor 20 energy 375 50 eater 0.75 armor 225 engine 0.08 repair-rate 0.075 food-sensor 7 3 robot-sensor 10 3 shot-sensor 4 blaster 16 8 10 radio read write send receive #code #const danger-offset 500 ;#const num-types 4 #const robot-sensor-delay 50 #const listen-delay 100 #const Target-Channel 2 #var robot-sensor-now #var Listen-Now #var shot-firing-delay #var no-shots #var target-distance #vector target #vector target-velocity #vector blocker #vector Dodge-Velocity Init^ Restart: position Location-to-Address^ Home-Address! Home-Address Address-to-Location^ Home! Search-Home^ Home Dest! do dest seek-location Scan-Food^ Scan-Robots^ Chirp^ Listen^ energy max-energy < Speed or nif Search-Home^ Home Dest! then energy 25 > armor max-armor < and max-repair-rate 0 ifev repair-rate! forever Listen: Target-Channel messages energy max-energy 0.75 * > armor max-armor 0.75 * > and and if 999 target-distance! do Target-Channel receive 2 >= while 2dup position dist dup target-distance < if target-distance! target! else drop 2drop then loop stack dropn else stack dropn return then 0 Home-Address Address-Offset + write do target seek-location Scan-Robots^ armor max-armor < max-repair-rate 0 ifev repair-rate! target dest dist target-distance! Target-Channel receive if do stack 2 >= while 2dup position dist dup target-distance < if target-distance! target! else drop 2drop then loop then target position 5 in-range energy max-energy 0.25 * < or until-loop target-channel clear-messages rdrop Restart& jump Talk: ;time chirp-now < ifr target dest 10 in-range ifr target 2 Target-Channel send target dest! time 50 + chirp-now! return Scan-Robots: time robot-sensor-now < energy 25 < or blaster-cooldown or ifr time robot-sensor-delay + robot-sensor-now! fire-robot-sensor sync robot-found nifr energy max-energy 0.50 * > armor max-armor 0.50 * > and if do Tag^ robot-shield-fraction 0.75 > Attack& ifg next-robot while-loop else Check-Bots^ ;time danger-offset + 0.9 + robot-position location-to-address^ Address-Offset + write then return Attack: 0 shot-firing-delay! 0 Home-Address Address-Offset + write 1 No-Shots! 0 robot-sensor-now! 1 robot-sensor-sees-friends! 1 robot-sensor-sees-enemies! -10 -10 dest! robot-direction robot-sensor-focus-direction! robot-distance 0.55 * robot-sensor-focus-distance! do blaster-cooldown shot-firing-delay <= time robot-sensor-now > and if time robot-sensor-delay + robot-sensor-now! fire-robot-sensor sync robot-found Check-Bots& ifc then robot-direction robot-sensor-focus-direction! robot-distance 0.55 * robot-sensor-focus-distance! target target-velocity seek-moving-location armor max-armor < max-repair-rate 0 ifev repair-rate! energy 25 > robot-found and No-Shots and while-loop 0 food-sensor-now! 0 robot-sensor-focus-distance! 0 robot-sensor-sees-friends! target-channel clear-messages position location-to-address^ Home-Address! Home-Address address-to-location^ Home! position dest! Scan-Food^ Return Check-Bots: do Robot-Side Side = Block-Firing& ifg robot-shield-fraction 0.90 > Fire-Shot& Check-Next-Bot& ifec while-loop Robot-position 2dup position v- unitize 2dup ;negate swap time 20 / pi * reorient 0 > if vnegate then negate swap time 30 / pi * reorient 0 > 2 -2 ifev vs* 2swap blaster-range 0.85 * vs* v+ v- target! Robot-velocity target-velocity! Talk^ 0 current-robot-result! do Tag^ next-robot while-loop return Check-Next-Bot: Next-robot 0 No-Shots! return Set-Target: 1 No-Shots! 0 return Block-Firing: robot-position position v- robot-velocity v+ blocker! do Robot-Side Side = Check-Next-Bot& Set-Target& ifec while-loop Robot-position 2dup position v- unitize blaster-range 0.75 * vs* v- target! Robot-position position v- unitize swap negate target-velocity! target-velocity blocker dot 0 > if target-velocity vnegate target-velocity! then return Fire-Shot: do blaster-cooldown while-loop robot-position robot-velocity lead-blaster time robot-sensor-time - shot-firing-delay! time robot-sensor-now! 1 No-Shots! 0 return ;Leave a zero on the stack so the robot-loop drops out Fight-While-Eating: 0 shot-firing-delay! Do energy 20 > armor max-armor < and max-repair-rate 0 ifev repair-rate! Scan-Food^ blaster-cooldown shot-firing-delay <= eaten energy 25 > time robot-sensor-now > and and and if fire-robot-sensor sync robot-found nifr do robot-shield-fraction 0.9 > Fire-Shot& Check-Next-Bot& ifec while-loop robot-distance robot-sensor-focus-distance! Robot-direction robot-sensor-focus-direction! Then energy 300 < while-loop return #end