#side Big Bertha 2 #author Warren #color ff2f41 #seed 1 2 3 3 3 4 3 Inspired by The Lunacy. The giant seed type "Big Bertha" is named after a 43-tonne German WWI howitzer that fired 830 kg shells 12 km. The giant seed uses a large long-range grenade launcher and a smaller long-range blaster. Every other shot the blaster is shot a bit behind the target. This is designed principly so that active dodgers will dodge the grenade and dodge into the blaster. The other three types are Active 9 with light modifications only. ;################ SHARED ################# #code ;;;;types #const GIANT_TYPE 1 #const CTOR_TYPE 2 #const GATHERER_TYPE 3 #const FIGHTER_TYPE 4 ;;;;message channels ;;#const help-channel 1 ;position time #const kill-channel 2 #const safe-channel 3 ;#const hungry-channel 5 #const noff-channel 6 ; SM_id position #const food-channel 10 ; position amount time #const hungry-channel 4 ; id type ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;shared memory and related;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;001-660 are ally stats. When ALLY_SIZE=10, 10I-9 to 10I stores info for id I, e.g. 001-010 is id 1. ;format: x y vx vy t energy-level ;these offsets include the base implicitly, so e.g. velocity of I is at ROBOT_STAT_SIZE * I + ALLY_VEL_OFFSET #const ALLY_POS_OFFSET -5 #const ALLY_VEL_OFFSET -3 #const ALLY_TIME_OFFSET -1 #const ALLY_HUNGER_OFFSET -0 #const NUM_ROBOTS 110 #const ALLY_SIZE 6 ;;do 10 for easy debugging #const UPPER_ROBOT_AREA 660 ;; NUM_ROBOTS * ALLY_SIZE, the highest address in the ALLY shared memory ;701-950 are food claims ;format: claim-time #const FOOD_CLAIM_BASE 701 #const NUM_FOOD_CLAIMS 250 #const DANGER_TIME 970 #const HOME_CORNER 972 ;;a 0/1 vector #const COLONY_POSITION 975 #const CORNER_CLEARED 978 ;;0/1 indicator ;981-990 are side records. Currently only one item is stored, namely the time at which we have/will make peace with each side #const SIDE_BASE 980 #const SIDE_SIZE 1 ;################# SHARED VARS ###################### #var temp #vector vtemp #var hunger #var my-id ;;usually id, but if id>NUM_ROBOTS we assign manually ;;;;;;;;;;; real shared code ;;;;;;;;;;;; call-for-help: position time 3 kill-channel send return ;; called at initialization to set my-id to an unused slot assign-id: ;; -- id NUM_ROBOTS <= if id my-id! else ;; take a dead 'bots ID ALLY_SIZE ALLY_TIME_OFFSET + temp! do temp read time 1000 - < if sync temp read time 1000 - < and-if ;;sync and check again to avoid two robots claiming same id time temp write ;;claim it temp ALLY_TIME_OFFSET - ALLY_SIZE / my-id! return then temp ALLY_SIZE + temp! temp UPPER_ROBOT_AREA > until-loop stop ;;population over NUM_ROBOTS; panic! then return ;Streamlined version of equivalent from Walled City 2. ;Looks like it should work on any CPU 7 or greater. #var food-hash claim-food: food-position drop world-width / ;stack: between 0 and 1 NUM_FOOD_CLAIMS * floor ;stack: presumably between 0 inclusive and NUM_FOOD_CLAIMS exclusive FOOD_CLAIM_BASE + food-hash! ;staack empty time 400 + ;put on stack for later food-hash sync read time < ClaimExpired& ifg ;valid claim already not ;;drops and then pushes "0" since time+400 != 0. return ClaimExpired: ;stack: time+400 food-hash write 1 return ;; adress -- quality ;; calculate-sink-quality: temp! temp ALLY_POS_OFFSET + vread position syphon-range in-range ;stack: in-range or not temp ALLY_HUNGER_OFFSET + read * ;stack: quality return #var last-id-announce -1000 #var energy-sink-adr 0 ; 0 for none. #var energy-sink-quality #var received-adr #var received-type write-our-posn: my-id ALLY_SIZE * temp! position temp ALLY_POS_OFFSET + velocity temp ALLY_VEL_OFFSET + time temp ALLY_TIME_OFFSET + hunger temp ALLY_HUNGER_OFFSET + ;;stack: stuff to write sync write write vwrite vwrite return announce-if-hungry: time last-id-announce 100 + > if hunger 0.05 > and-if my-id 1 hungry-channel send time last-id-announce! then return listen-to-hungry: energy-sink-adr if energy-sink-adr ALLY_TIME_OFFSET + read time 30 - > and-if ;we have an up to date sink energy-sink-adr calculate-sink-quality^ energy-sink-quality! else 0 energy-sink-adr! then do #var skipped 0 population 10 / floor random-int dup skipped! hungry-channel skip-messages hungry-channel receive while ALLY_SIZE * received-adr! syphon-range 2 > if ;; i.e. if this robot is a type with a syphon update-energy-sink^ then ; process-announcement^ loop return ;;This function writes our data to shared memory, announces our existence, and listen to other announcements ;; -- communicate-unused: ;;first write our own stuff write-our-posn^ ;;second announce if hungry announce-if-hungry^ ;;third listen to other announcements listen-to-hungry^ return update-energy-sink: received-adr my-id ALLY_SIZE * = ifr energy-sink-adr replace-sink& nifg received-adr calculate-sink-quality^ temp! temp energy-sink-quality <= ifr replace-sink: received-adr energy-sink-adr! temp energy-sink-quality! return ;;This function transfers energy to neediest friend in range ;; -- transfer-energy: energy-sink-adr energy-sink-quality and if energy max-energy / 0.2 > and-if hunger energy-sink-adr ALLY_HUNGER_OFFSET + read < and-if syphon-max-rate negate syphon-rate! energy-sink-adr ALLY_POS_OFFSET + vread position v- energy-sink-adr ALLY_VEL_OFFSET + vread time energy-sink-adr ALLY_TIME_OFFSET + read - 5 + vs* v+ velocity 5 vs* v- rect-to-polar syphon-direction! syphon-distance! else 0 syphon-rate! then return #type Big Bertha #color ff0 #hardware processor 40 armor 650 repair-rate 0.25 engine 0.4 energy 1000 200 blaster 28 25.5 50 grenades 163 26 50 robot-sensor 27.5 2 shot-sensor 7 food-sensor 13 5 eater 4 constructor 1.7 #code #const WAKE_ENERGY 180 #const SHOOT_ENERGY 200 #const START_CONSTRUCT_ENERGY 600 #const CONSTRUCT_ENERGY 450 #const REPAIR_ENERGY 330 #var temp #vector target-food #vector current-waypoint #var waypoint-left ;bool, true if waypoint is left side vs bottom #var waypoint-second ;bool, true if waypoint is second on side vs first. #var waypoint-radius ;scalar #const waypoint-gutter 10 #var world-width-minus-gutters #var world-height-minus-gutters #var eating ;bool #var danger-time 0 #var corner-left-right #var corner-bottom-top #vector corner-position map-*: ;x y a b -- x*a y*b rot * rrot * swap ;; How unintuitive return ;convert real coords to home-centric ones real-to-my-posn: ; x y - x y corner-position v- corner-left-right corner-bottom-top map-* return ;inverse my-posn-to-real: ; x y - x y corner-left-right corner-bottom-top map-* corner-position v+ return ;convert a relative vector in our coords to real or back again ;(the same because -1*-1=1) my-relative-to-real: real-to-my-relative: corner-left-right corner-bottom-top map-* return set-corner-stuff: ;; a b -- where a,b are 0/1 indicators of which corner we have ;stack: nearest corner in 0/1 for each 2dup world-height * swap world-width * swap corner-position! -2 vs* 1 1 v+ corner-bottom-top! corner-left-right! return adjust-engine: eating if time danger-time < if target-food position radius 3 * in-range if ;passive dodge circling while touching food radius 4 / position target-food v- angle 1 + polar-to-rect target-food v+ position v- engine-velocity! else ;head to food with wiggle target-food position v- 0.05 vs* rect-to-polar time 40 mod 20 > 0.5 -0.5 ifev + polar-to-rect engine-velocity! engine-max-power engine-power! then else ;straight to food target-food position v- 0.05 vs* engine-velocity! target-food position velocity 5 vs* v+ radius 2 / in-range engine-max-power * engine-power! then engine-max-power engine-power! else 0.08 current-waypoint position v- angle time danger-time < if time 40 mod 20 > 0.5 -0.5 ifev + then polar-to-rect engine-velocity! engine-max-power engine-power! then return set-current-waypoint: waypoint-left if waypoint-radius world-height-minus-gutters < if waypoint-gutter waypoint-gutter waypoint-radius + else waypoint-radius world-height-minus-gutters - waypoint-gutter + world-height waypoint-gutter - then else waypoint-radius world-width-minus-gutters < if waypoint-gutter waypoint-radius + waypoint-gutter else world-width waypoint-gutter - waypoint-radius world-width-minus-gutters - waypoint-gutter + then then my-posn-to-real^ current-waypoint! return #var shoot-straight 0 ;;boolean #start world-width waypoint-gutter 2 * - world-width-minus-gutters! world-height waypoint-gutter 2 * - world-height-minus-gutters! time 20 < if position world-height / round swap world-width / round swap 2dup HOME_CORNER vwrite else HOME_CORNER vread then set-corner-stuff^ 1 waypoint-left! 0 waypoint-second! 0 waypoint-radius! set-current-waypoint^ time 20 > if do ;;hack to avoid friendly fire on birth current-waypoint seek-location energy WAKE_ENERGY < position current-waypoint 10 in-range or until-loop then do eating eaten not and target-food position radius in-range and if 0 eating! then eating not time food-sensor-time - 30 > and if robot-found if ;run away position robot-position v- angle food-sensor-focus-direction! robot-sensor-range 5 - robot-distance - food-sensor-focus-distance! else current-waypoint position v- angle food-sensor-focus-direction! 5 food-sensor-focus-distance! ;was 4 then fire-food-sensor sync food-found if Food-check-loop: food-energy 80 > if claim-food^ and-if food-position target-food! 1 eating! else next-food Food-check-loop& ifg then then ;food-found then energy SHOOT_ENERGY > grenades-cooldown not and if time robot-sensor-time 30 + > and-if fire-robot-sensor sync robot-found if ;accelerating while firing can mess up aiming of long range shots a bit, on the order of a distance of 0.02*30=0.6. This ; isn't enough to miss most targets, but together with other errors might cause a miss, so maintain steady velocity while firing. ;From the GB source: ; GBWorld::SimOneFrame order: think (includes lead-blaster firing direction computation), move (includes drag), act, collide ; HardwareState::Act order: engine, blaster ;with engine-velocity set to velocity the drag and engine effect cancel and thinking and blaster-acting velocities should match. velocity engine-velocity! engine-max-power engine-power! ;helps aim shoot-straight if robot-position robot-velocity lead-grenade robot-position robot-velocity lead-blaster else ;blaster aimed around 2 units behind the enemy, grenade a tiny bit ahead. The reason for the tiny bit ahead is convincing stationary actives to dodge the wrong way. ; Grenade is slightly faster so enemy probably dodges it, right into the blaster. robot-distance 10 min 0.14 * square robot-position position v- angle polar-to-rect robot-position position v- robot-velocity cross 0 > if swap negate else negate swap then 2dup -0.02 vs* robot-position v+ robot-velocity lead-grenade energy 150 > if robot-position v+ robot-velocity lead-blaster else 2drop then then shoot-straight not shoot-straight! robot-sensor-time 100 + danger-time max danger-time! sync ;let the lead-blaster happen adjust-engine^ ;puts engine back in an appropriate state then then 20 periodic-shot-sensor if shot-found if time 200 + danger-time max danger-time! then then constructor-type not energy START_CONSTRUCT_ENERGY > and if CTOR_TYPE type-population not if CTOR_TYPE else GATHERER_TYPE then constructor-type! then constructor-progress 300 > CONSTRUCT_ENERGY START_CONSTRUCT_ENERGY ifev energy < constructor-max-rate * constructor-rate! energy REPAIR_ENERGY > max-repair-rate * repair-rate! current-waypoint position 10 in-range if 1 CORNER_CLEARED write ;;is redundant except for first time but that's harmless waypoint-second if waypoint-left not waypoint-left! 0 waypoint-second! else 1 waypoint-second! world-width world-height + waypoint-gutter 4 * - dup temp! waypoint-radius = if 0 waypoint-radius! else temp 4 / waypoint-radius + temp min waypoint-radius! ;temp/4 was 25 then then set-current-waypoint^ then adjust-engine^ forever ;;################################################# #type Ctor ;#decoration 0f0 cross #color 00f #hardware processor 18 energy 600 3 armor 120 engine 0.09 solar-cells 0.02 shot-sensor 5 robot-sensor 4 constructor 2.0 ;;2.3 #code ; -- ; This procedure responds to a received type/id pair, passed in received-* variables, and responds as needed. ; For Ctor, we keep track of process-announcement: return out-of-bounds: ;x y -> bool 2dup 0 < swap 0 < or if 2drop 1 return then world-height > swap world-width > or return #var gutter set-gutter: ;-- population GIANT_TYPE type-population 50 * + sqrt 2 * gutter! return keep-away-edges: ; x y -> x y gutter max world-height gutter - min swap gutter max world-width gutter - min swap return edge-dist: ;x y -> d 2dup min swap world-height swap - min swap world-width swap - min return #vector home #var last-armor #var last-birth-time 0 #var baby-cost #var num-children 0 #start max-armor last-armor! assign-id^ constructor-type if ;;seeded with fetus time last-birth-time! constructor-remaining baby-cost! ;;;hack then max-repair-rate repair-rate! type type-population 1 > if set-gutter^ do position 2 population sqrt 4 * + random-angle polar-to-rect v+ home! home edge-dist^ gutter > until-loop else ;;;If giant has gotten to corner that's our home, otherwise current position is the best we can do. CORNER_CLEARED read if HOME_CORNER vread 2dup world-height * swap world-width * swap else position then set-gutter^ keep-away-edges^ home! home COLONY_POSITION vwrite then #var loop-time do friendly-collision position home 3 in-range and if position 1 random-angle polar-to-rect v+ home! then ;;fix home here set-gutter^ home keep-away-edges^ home! time loop-time! position sync COLONY_POSITION vread 100 vs* v+ 101 vs/ COLONY_POSITION vwrite ;;move colony position towards us constructor-type nif last-birth-time if #var power-consumption baby-cost time last-birth-time - / power-consumption! ;base type on how long it's taken us to reproduce constructor-max-rate 1.0 num-children 0.1 * - 0.7 max * power-consumption < and-if CTOR_TYPE constructor-type! else ;either we're newly born ourselves or else reproduction was slow last time. FIGHTER_TYPE type-population population / 0.45 / 1 min random-bool GATHERER_TYPE FIGHTER_TYPE ifev constructor-type! then constructor-remaining constructor-type CTOR_TYPE = if 0.5 * then baby-cost! ;contains hack so we don't build CTOR twice in a row time last-birth-time! num-children 1 + num-children! then constructor-progress 200 > 0.04 0.2 ifev max-energy * energy < constructor-max-rate 0 ifev constructor-rate! #var last-danger-time -555 14 periodic-shot-sensor if shot-found if shot-sensor-time last-danger-time! time 300 + shot-side SIDE_BASE + write call-for-help^ home position 5 in-range nif position shot-velocity unitize 15 vs* v+ home! else shot-velocity unitize 3 population sqrt + vs* home v+ home! then then then 30 periodic-robot-sensor if robot-found if robot-sensor-time last-danger-time! then then armor dup last-armor < if time last-danger-time! then last-armor! time last-danger-time 200 + < if home position v- 0.05 vs* 0.2 time 9 / polar-to-rect v+ engine-velocity! ;;period is 2pi * 7 engine-max-power engine-power! else home seek-location then 1 energy max-energy / - 1.5 / 0.8 energy exponent + hunger! write-our-posn^ announce-if-hungry^ forever ;;################################################# #type Gatherer ;#decoration 0f0 cross #color 0f0 #hardware processor 23 energy 400 15 armor 150 engine 0.05 food-sensor 9 3 shot-sensor 5 robot-sensor 4 eater 2.0 syphon 1.4 30 #code assert-stack-empty: stack nifr pause return ;shared variables #var typical-food-amount ;message received variables #vector received-food-position #var received-food-amount #var received-food-time #vector next-meal-position #vector wander-position #var begin-food-chase-time #vector birth-place #var scary-shot-found 0 #var flee-type #vector flee-position #var flee-time Update-stats-food-msg: time received-food-time - 50 < if received-food-position position dist 30 < and-if received-food-amount 0.1 * typical-food-amount 0.9 * + typical-food-amount! then return #const edge-space 4 ;this subreutine copied from eventually 12 random-edge-position: 0 1 random-int if 0 1 random-int edge-space world-width edge-space - ifev edge-space world-height edge-space - random else edge-space world-width edge-space - random 0 1 random-int edge-space world-height edge-space - ifev then return out-of-bounds: ;x y -> bool 2dup 0 < swap 0 < or if 2drop 1 return then world-height > swap world-width > or return #const gutter 5 keep-away-edges: ; x y -> x y gutter max world-height gutter - min swap gutter max world-width gutter - min swap return new-wander-position: population 30 > if random-edge-position^ else birth-place 25 population + random-angle polar-to-rect v+ keep-away-edges^ then return #var last-armor Defend: energy max-energy / 0.1 > if time robot-sensor-time - time flee-time 300 + > 15 8 ifev > if fire-robot-sensor fire-shot-sensor sync shot-found shot-side side <> shot-type 3 <> or and scary-shot-found! ;;shot-type 3 is friendly-syphon scary-shot-found if ;;ignore friendly-syphons. Call-for-help^ ;;Same-side recording is harmless ; shot-side side <> if time 300 + shot-side SIDE_BASE + write ; then else last-armor armor > robot-found if robot-found 2 >= robot-side SIDE_BASE + read time > or or then Call-for-help& ifc then then ;time to fire sensor else ;no energy to sense 0 scary-shot-found! then last-armor armor dup last-armor! > scary-shot-found or energy max-energy / 0.05 > and if rdrop Begin-fleeing& jump then return common: CTOR_TYPE type-population 6 <= if COLONY_POSITION vread birth-place! then 0.7 energy exponent hunger! write-our-posn^ listen-to-hungry^ announce-if-hungry^ transfer-energy^ return ;;;;;;;;;;; START #start 1 shot-sensor-sees-friendly! assign-id^ position birth-place! Begin-seeking-food: armor last-armor! new-wander-position^ wander-position! do common^ ; energy max-energy / 0.08 > if defend^ ; then wander-position position dist 5 < if new-wander-position^ wander-position! then wander-position position v- unitize 0.2 0.09 energy max-energy / 0.02 > ifev vs* engine-velocity! engine-max-power engine-power! birth-place position v- rect-to-polar food-sensor-focus-direction! 4 / food-sensor-focus-distance! ;food code copied from cyclops 30 periodic-food-sensor if food-found if Food-check-loop: food-velocity norm nif claim-food^ and-if food-position next-meal-position! Begin-eating-food& jump else next-food Food-check-loop& ifg then then ;food-found then transfer-energy^ ;;also called in common^ do food-channel receive while received-food-time! received-food-amount! received-food-position! update-stats-food-msg^ received-food-amount 10 / received-food-position position dist > if ;ooooooo ffoooooodd received-food-position next-meal-position! Begin-eating-food& jump then loop forever adjust-engine-eating: time flee-time 500 + < if next-meal-position position radius 2 * in-range and-if ;passive dodge circling while touching food 0.05 radius 3 / position next-meal-position v- angle 1 + polar-to-rect next-meal-position v+ position v- angle polar-to-rect engine-velocity! engine-max-power engine-power! else ;straight to food next-meal-position position v- 0.07 vs* engine-velocity! next-meal-position position velocity 5 vs* v+ radius 2 / in-range not engine-max-power * engine-power! then return Begin-eating-food: time begin-food-chase-time! do adjust-engine-eating^ common^ adjust-engine-eating^ do food-channel receive while received-food-time! received-food-amount! received-food-position! update-stats-food-msg^ loop ; energy max-energy / 0.05 > if defend^ ; then adjust-engine-eating^ transfer-energy^ adjust-engine-eating^ eaten not if time begin-food-chase-time - 200 300 random > ;long time position next-meal-position radius in-range or ;on food and-if ; Begin-seeking-food& jump then energy max-energy / 0.99 > birth-place position 25 in-range energy-sink-adr energy-sink-quality and and not and Begin-homing& ifg forever Begin-fleeing: scary-shot-found if ;;run away from both shot position and shot velocity. ;;this calculation ensures we never flee towards either. position shot-position v- rect-to-polar swap 1.5 > swap polar-to-rect ;;unit vector if norm >1, zero otherwise. This means relative position of close shots ignored. shot-velocity unitize shot-side side = if vnegate then v+ unitize 15 vs* position v+ flee-position! 1 flee-type! ; shot-side side <> if ; 15 shot-velocity angle polar-to-rect position v+ flee-position! ; else ; ;;it's our team's shot. Run away from the shot itself (a combat zone) ; position shot-position v- unitize 15 vs* position v+ flee-position! ; then else robot-found time robot-sensor-time - 20 < and if robot-position position v- unitize -20 vs* position v+ flee-position! 2 flee-type! else #comment do safe-channel receive while time swap - 100 < if 2dup position dist 50 < if flee-position! Got-safe-place& jump else 2drop then else 2drop then loop ; random-edge-position^ flee-position! Got-safe-place: #code ; velocity norm if ; 13 velocity angle pi + polar-to-rect position v+ flee-position! 3 flee-type! ; else 13 birth-place position v- angle polar-to-rect position v+ flee-position! 4 flee-type! ; then then ;robot-found then ;shot-found time flee-time! ; armor last-armor! do common^ 0.3 flee-position position v- angle time flee-time - 80 mod 40 >= 0.6 -0.6 ifev + polar-to-rect engine-velocity! engine-max-power engine-power! time flee-time - 85 > flee-position position dist 4 < or energy max-energy / 0.02 < or if Begin-seeking-food& jump then energy max-energy / 0.05 > time flee-time - 100 > and if time shot-sensor-time - 15 > and-if fire-shot-sensor sync shot-found shot-side side <> shot-type 3 <> or and scary-shot-found! ;;shot-type 3 is friendly-syphon scary-shot-found if ;;ignore friendly-syphons. Call-for-help^ time 300 + shot-side SIDE_BASE + write ;;run away from both shot position and shot velocity. ;;this calculation ensures we never flee towards either. position shot-position v- rect-to-polar swap 1.5 > swap polar-to-rect ;;unit vector if norm >1, zero otherwise. This means relative position of close shots ignored. shot-velocity unitize shot-side side = if vnegate then v+ unitize 15 vs* position v+ flee-position! 5 flee-type! then else 0 scary-shot-found! ;;is this needed? then ;time to fire sensor forever Begin-homing: do common^ birth-place seek-location birth-place position 20 in-range energy max-energy / 0.3 < or if Begin-seeking-food& jump then forever ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Fighter #type Fighter #decoration fcc cross #color f00 #hardware energy 700 80 ;;includes extra for syphon resistance armor 180 repair-rate 0.025 processor 50 ;to dodge in a few frames engine 0.15 robot-sensor 15 3 shot-sensor 9 4 blaster 40.4 14.5 26 ; large blaster enemy-syphon 0.0 13.5 ;negligible #code #var temp2 #const pseudo-max-energy 400 #const RUN_HOME_ENERGY 100 ;communication with Dodge-and-move: #vector desired-velocity 0 0 #var speed-slop 0.01 ;communication with Eat-and-move: #vector desired-position random-position: 0 world-width random 0 world-height random return ;returns distance to nearest wall wall-distance: ; -> dist position min world-size position v- min min return #const WALL_OFFSET 5 restrict-location: ;x y -> x y world-height WALL_OFFSET - min WALL_OFFSET max swap world-width WALL_OFFSET - min WALL_OFFSET max swap return #const FIGHT_DISTANCE 12 ;14 #var CRUSADE_DIST #const MIN_CRUSADE_DIST 10 #var have-crusade 0 #var crusade-time #vector crusade-position #vector birth-place #var wander #var wait-far-from-home-factor ;;between 0 and 8 buddy-quality: ;; id -> quality ALLY_SIZE * temp! temp ALLY_TIME_OFFSET + read time 50 - < if 0 ;;out of date record else 1000 temp ALLY_POS_OFFSET + vread position dist - then return #var buddy-one-id 70 #var buddy-two-id 75 #var buddy-one-quality #var buddy-two-quality #var buddy-rec-id #var buddy-rec-quality #vector buddy-one-pos #vector buddy-two-pos #vector buddy-one-cur-pos #vector buddy-two-cur-pos #vector buddy-one-vel #vector buddy-two-vel #var buddy-one-time #var buddy-two-time #var have-target ;;bool #vector wander-loc -99 -99 #const gutter 11 keep-away-edges: ; x y -> x y gutter max world-height gutter - min swap gutter max world-width gutter - min swap return #start ;shot-sensor-firing-cost print 0.3 random-bool FIGHTER_TYPE type-population 4 >= and wander! assign-id^ 22 45 random-int CRUSADE_DIST! 5 20 random wait-far-from-home-factor! position birth-place! position desired-position! Begin-normaling: do CTOR_TYPE type-population 6 <= if COLONY_POSITION vread birth-place! then birth-place keep-away-edges^ birth-place! ;;;;keep track of two nearest buddies (as defined in buddy-quality proc) #var buddy-announce-time -999 time buddy-announce-time - 50 > if my-id 1 noff-channel send time buddy-announce-time! then buddy-one-id buddy-quality^ buddy-one-quality! buddy-two-id buddy-quality^ buddy-two-quality! dodge-and-move^ do noff-channel receive while ; id buddy-rec-id! buddy-rec-id my-id <> buddy-rec-id buddy-one-id <> buddy-rec-id buddy-two-id <> and and if buddy-rec-id buddy-quality^ buddy-rec-quality! buddy-rec-quality buddy-one-quality buddy-two-quality min > and-if ;;replace one of them buddy-one-quality buddy-two-quality < if buddy-rec-id buddy-one-id! buddy-rec-quality buddy-one-quality! else buddy-rec-id buddy-two-id! buddy-rec-quality buddy-two-quality! then then loop dodge-and-move^ energy pseudo-max-energy / shot-found 0.09 0.2 ifev > No-target& nifg Wait: ;;unused label do blaster-cooldown while blaster-cooldown 2 >= if sync dodge-and-move^ else sync then loop Scan: ;;unused label robot-sensor-time robot-found have-crusade or blaster-reload-time 60 ifev + time <= if sync buddy-one-id ALLY_SIZE * temp! temp ALLY_POS_OFFSET + vread buddy-one-pos! temp ALLY_VEL_OFFSET + vread buddy-one-vel! temp ALLY_TIME_OFFSET + read buddy-one-time! buddy-one-pos buddy-one-vel time buddy-one-time - vs* v+ buddy-one-cur-pos! buddy-two-id ALLY_SIZE * temp! temp ALLY_POS_OFFSET + vread buddy-two-pos! temp ALLY_VEL_OFFSET + vread buddy-two-vel! temp ALLY_TIME_OFFSET + read buddy-two-time! buddy-two-pos buddy-two-vel time buddy-two-time - vs* v+ buddy-two-cur-pos! fire-robot-sensor sync robot-found if NextRobot: robot-position robot-velocity 50 vs* v+ position 7 population sqrt + in-range if time 300 + robot-side SIDE_BASE + write then robot-side SIDE_BASE + read FIGHTER_TYPE type-population 8 > if 5000 + then time < TryNextTarget& ifg ;;not hostile ;; blaster-cooldown NoShoot& ifg ;;unnecessary conditioning? robot-position robot-velocity velocity v- robot-distance blaster-speed / vs* v+ position v- unitize blaster-speed vs* velocity v+ vtemp! ;vtemp is velocity of blaster after firing. buddy-one-cur-pos position v- vtemp dot 0 > buddy-one-quality and if buddy-one-cur-pos position v- buddy-one-vel vtemp v- unitize cross abs 1.5 < NoShoot& ifg then buddy-two-cur-pos position v- vtemp dot 0 > buddy-two-quality and if buddy-two-cur-pos position v- buddy-two-vel vtemp v- unitize cross abs 1.5 < NoShoot& ifg then robot-position robot-velocity lead-blaster NoShoot: dodge-and-move^ 1 have-crusade! time crusade-time! robot-position crusade-position! ;call for help if they're closing us, they're reloading, or we see a shot robot-velocity robot-position position v- unitize dot -0.1 < robot-reloading or shot-found or if robot-position robot-sensor-time 3 kill-channel send then robot-position robot-velocity 10 vs* v+ vtemp! FIGHT_DISTANCE birth-place vtemp dist 5 - 5 max min ;;FIGHT_DISTANCE, but closer if close to home position vtemp v- angle ;;time 5 / my-id + reorient 30 / + polar-to-rect vtemp v+ ;;stack: tentative desired position ;;Now add correction to stay away from buddies buddy-one-quality if position buddy-one-cur-pos v- rect-to-polar ;stack: tent-des-pos ally-dist ally-angle swap 1 max reciprocal square swap polar-to-rect v+ then buddy-two-quality if position buddy-two-cur-pos v- rect-to-polar ;stack: tent-des-pos ally-dist ally-angle swap 1 max reciprocal square swap polar-to-rect v+ then desired-position! ;;stack empty 1 have-target! Done-targeting& jump TryNextTarget: next-robot NextRobot& ifg then else Done-targeting& jump then ;time to fire No-target: 0 have-target! have-crusade if crusade-position position 5 in-range time crusade-time - 200 > or and-if 0 have-crusade! then dodge-and-move^ have-crusade nif energy pseudo-max-energy / 0.3 > and-if kill-channel messages 2 - 0 max 0 random-int kill-channel skip-messages do kill-channel receive while ;stack: x y t crusade-time! crusade-position! time crusade-time - 100 < if ;newish crusade-position position dist CRUSADE_DIST < and-if crusade-position position dist MIN_CRUSADE_DIST > and-if 1 have-crusade! done-chatting& jump then ;acceptable crusade loop Done-chatting: then ;have-crusade not dodge-and-move^ have-crusade if energy pseudo-max-energy / 0.15 > and-if energy pseudo-max-energy / 0.2 > if crusade-position else position then desired-position! else population 10 < if population temp! else population sqrt wait-far-from-home-factor * energy RUN_HOME_ENERGY < if 0.5 * then temp! then position birth-place temp in-range nif birth-place else energy pseudo-max-energy / 0.5 > if wander and-if wander-loc birth-place temp in-range not wander-loc position 5 in-range or if birth-place temp random-angle polar-to-rect v+ restrict-location^ wander-loc! then wander-loc else position then then desired-position! then ;have crusade Done-targeting: ;;jump here if we have a target eat-and-move^ dodge-and-move^ energy pseudo-max-energy / 0.2 > max-repair-rate 0 ifev repair-rate! write-our-posn^ 1 energy pseudo-max-energy / - hunger! announce-if-hungry^ Dodge-and-move^ forever #const MAX_SPEED 0.19 ;in: desired-position ;out: desired-velocity, speed-slop ;As might be guessed from the name this procedure used to be responsible for eating too. ;Now that this fighter no longer eats it might be cleaner to have the main code set desired-velocity directly and eliminate this procedure. eat-and-move: desired-position position v- rect-to-polar swap 0.05 * MAX_SPEED min swap polar-to-rect desired-velocity! radius 0.05 * speed-slop! return ;end of eat-and-move #var shots-angle 0 ;;;the angle which the shots we're dodging are coming from (for sensor-focus aiming) #var last-danger-time -500 ;;;shot-sensor is fired more frequently after danger #vector assumed-self-velocity ;;;an initial guess at our velocity in the near future #vector dv ;;;;shot-velocity assumed-self-velocity v- #vector perp_hat ;;;;a unit vector perpendicular to dv (rotated 90 degrees CCW) #var assumed_miss ;;;miss distance if we travel at asssumed-self-velocity #const MIN_MISS_DIST 2.1 ;;;minimum acceptable distance between shot center and our center ;#const MIN_GRENADE_MISS_DIST 3 ;;grenades have shot-type 2. Treating grenades differently is not worth the extra 5ish instructions probably. #vector dodged-shot-posn ;;for debugging, the position of the shot we dodged #var shot-sense-time ;;for debug ;Dodge has inputs: ;-desired-velocity, the desired medium-term engine velocity ;-speed-slop, the amount the velocity can differ before engine is used ;Dodge then sets engine-velocity and power to avoid shots while staying as close to desired-velocity as possible. Dodge-and-move: time shot-sensor-time - time last-danger-time 100 + > 8 5 ifev < ifr write-our-posn^ ;;not really dodge and move related but it wants to be done a lot energy pseudo-max-energy / 0.05 < Obey-user& ifg ;do as much computation as possible before firing shot sensor to get up-to-date info desired-velocity rect-to-polar swap 0.05 min swap polar-to-rect vtemp! ;;vtemp is desired-vel limited to speed 0.1 velocity vtemp dist 0.05 <= if vtemp else velocity vtemp v- unitize -0.05 vs* velocity v+ then assumed-self-velocity! ;stack empty 6 shot-sensor-focus-distance! shots-angle shot-sensor-focus-direction! ;;;From here until engine-velocity is set instructions have been squeezed out. ;;;; Here through the commented-out HaveShot label is structured weird to save a few precious instructions. ;;;; No unnecessary jumps but hard to read. fire-shot-sensor sync shot-sensor-time shot-sense-time! ;;for debug shot-found Obey-User& nifg shot-process-loop: shot-velocity norm 2 < CheckPos& ifg NextShot: next-shot shot-process-loop& ifg Obey-User: ;This ObeyUser stuff doesn't belong here, but putting it here saves an instruction (pushing address for ifeg). desired-velocity shot-found 2 > if 0.1 time 7 / polar-to-rect v+ then ;;;passive dodge engine-velocity! velocity desired-velocity v- norm speed-slop < 0 engine-max-power ifev engine-power! CheckNewHostiles& jump CheckPos: ;don't dodge super-fast shots such as force fields shot-velocity assumed-self-velocity v- dv! dv unitize shot-position position v- dot -2.0 < NextShot& nifg ;;don't dodge shots too late to dodge dv norm 0.05 < NextShot& ifg ;;prevents divide by zero errors from dv norm and dv project. ;HaveShot: #var dodging-needed dv unitize negate swap perp_hat! ;;perp_hat is a unit vector perpendicular to dv (rotated pi/2 CCW) ;;one of the key ideas of this active dodging routine is to express vectors in a basis of dv and perp_hat. perp_hat shot-position position v- dot assumed_miss! ;negative "assumed_miss" means shot miss to left, dodge right (facing shot's origin) if we go assumed_vel ;positive means miss right dodge left perp_hat ;;put on stack for use in a while ;The following line has a bug if assumed_miss==0, but who cares as that's unlikely and using signum saves a few instructions. shot-position position v- perp_hat MIN_MISS_DIST assumed_miss signum * vs* v- ;stack: perp_hat, our change in position before intercept if shot is to barely miss shot-distance dv norm / ;this line is time to intercept. vs/ shot-velocity v+ ;stack: perp_hat, velocity so that we barely miss 2 vs* velocity v- ;;adjust velocity by twice to account for slow acceleration perp_hat dot ;;target velocity to barely miss, perp_hat direction 0.25 min -0.25 max ;;limit attempted speed to attainable desired-velocity perp_hat dot ;;now the stack has the old perp_hat, perp_hat component velocity to barely miss, and perp_hat component velocity if we ;; don't dodge and simply go at desired. Now we see if desired velocity would allow us tomiss. assumed_miss 0 > if 2dup < dodging-needed! min else 2dup > dodging-needed! max then ;stack: perp_hat, desired perp_hat component of engine_velocity vs* ;use the perp_hat pushed on stack many lines ago dodging-needed nif desired-velocity else assumed-self-velocity then dv project v+ engine-velocity! ;stack empty now engine-max-power engine-power! shot-velocity angle pi + shots-angle! shot-position dodged-shot-posn! ;;for debugging CheckNewHostiles: shot-found if ;have-crusade nif shot-velocity norm have-target not and if shot-position shot-velocity -100 vs* v+ crusade-position! shot-sensor-time crusade-time! 1 have-crusade! then time last-danger-time! do time 500 + shot-side SIDE_BASE + write next-shot while-loop then return ;end of Dodge subroutine #end